Some Suggestions in KTV Stage Lighting Design


Stage lighting equipment is a unique KTV decoration design. In addition to having a good decoration design style, KTV lighting design is also very critical. Different lighting designs often make the grade of the whole KTV place different. We have discussed the knowledge about KTV lighting design with you more than once, and today we will share some basic KTV lighting design knowledge with you.

KTV Lighting Design Different shades of lights often produce different effects. The combination of light sources of different shades such as cool and warm colors can make the atmosphere of the whole night scene more harmonious.

Although the more beautiful the lighting design is, the more people will like it.

But the basic principles of lighting design that need to be followed in lighting design must be followed.

Lighting designers should be very familiar with the classic lighting theory! That is "three-point lighting". Three-point lighting, that is, area lighting, is generally used for lighting layout of small scenes.

If the scene is too large, it can be split into several small areas and arranged separately.

The basic light arrangement includes main light, auxiliary light and background light, or only three lights can be used.

The main light is used to illuminate the main object and the surrounding area in the scene, and it also plays the role of projecting the main object.

You can also use several different lights at different angles to make many figures come out, it depends on the specific needs. At the same time, the lighting design should be centered on energy saving and environmental protection, simple and clear without glare.

In the KTV lighting design, the lighting design can break through the routine. The dynamic lighting can show full of movement, and you can also place spotlights of different colors in different positions to meet different needs.


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