water treatment

You’re in the right place for water treatment.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on YOGI Care.we guarantee that it’s here on YOGI Care.
YOGI Cosmetics is developed under the guidance of water treatment technicians and water management professionals who provides comprehensive advice on the pool cleaning solution. .
We aim to provide the highest quality water treatment.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • 9 Seconds Salon Hair Mask Hair Care Premium Treatment For Beautiful Hair & Healthier Scalp Soft for Damaged Hair
    9 Seconds Salon Hair Mask Hair Care Premium Treatment For Beautiful Hair & Healthier Scalp Soft for Damaged Hair
    This hair mask concentrates on repairing the damaged ends of the hair ends, instantly smoothing the hair .Innovative 8 seconds formula, save time and provide you best effect. Provides full nutrition for hair roots, making the hair stronger, lustrous, soft. Achieve the effect of preventing hair loss and promoting the growth of hair.Made in Korea, 200ml5-10 business free shipping- we provide fast shipping method best price ever
  • Yogi care Salon Use Nine Coating Water Treatment Hair Smoothing Treatment 300ml Supplier
    Yogi care Salon Use Nine Coating Water Treatment Hair Smoothing Treatment 300ml Supplier
    Using the patented technology of water-milk transfer, deepen the hair quality, repair the damaged hair core structure, and resurrect the smooth and shiny hair! It takes only 9 seconds every day to turn the broom head into a goddess hair !"9 seconds goddess water" will react when it meets water, and it will become a white emulsion. The essence will be perfectly penetrated into the core, and the damaged hair of the core structure will be repaired one by one.
  • Own brand healthy repair nourishing natural hair 9s quick water-baked oil-Yogi cosmetics
    Own brand healthy repair nourishing natural hair 9s quick water-baked oil-Yogi cosmetics
    9s water baked oil,nourish water baked oil,baked oil,hair treatment,coating water treatment from Yogi care1.No need to heat,hair care only takes 9 seconds2.Use the patented phase inversion to convert the clear liquid essence into a creamy form.Deepens the hair and forms a moisturizing layer of coating on the surface3.No added chemical ingredients,no harmful chemicals such as antimony4.17 amino acids and vitamins to prevent hair oxidation5.Contains vitamins A,B,C,E,K,P,etc.,which inhibits hair oxidation,prevents loose hair,damages hair and moisturizes 6.Continuous use will improve hair quality
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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