Oily hair during pregnancy


Pregnancy can change the texture and condition of your skin and hair. It can straighten curly hair and vice versa, and make dry hair dry and oily hair greasy. For women who used to have itchy skin or cause acne prone women to have clearer skin, it can cause acne and breakouts. While oily hair can be an unwelcome pregnancy side effect, there are steps you can take to control oil and improve your pregnancy style. Yogi

hormone and oil secretion

Hormonal fluctuations and higher levels of sex hormones called androgens during pregnancy can cause your sebaceous glands to enlarge, leading to the production of an oily substance called sebum. Excess sebum production can lead to oily skin and hair.

time frame and duration

Hormonal changes during pregnancy affect each woman differently, and research shows that many women experience changes in their hair and skin in their third or fourth month of pregnancy. These changes usually reverse after you have your baby, as your hormones return to their pre-pregnancy normal levels.

Hormones and unwanted hair growth

Androgens that cause oily hair can also cause unwanted hair to grow on many areas of your body, such as your belly, back, or face. These hairs may be coarser and darker than your normal hair growth. But all of these changes are temporary side effects of pregnancy.

Hair Changes During Pregnancy

While most women do experience some hair changes during pregnancy, most women do not experience the same types of changes. While your hair may look thin, greasy, and dull, other women have thicker, stronger, and shinier hair. In addition to the increase in androgen levels, the secretion of estrogen in pregnant women will also surge. Increased estrogen levels prolong the hair growth cycle, resulting in thicker, fuller hair, which reduces the rate at which hair falls out.

Hair Care and Styling

While you can't control the hormonal fluctuations that come with pregnancy, you can improve the look and feel of your hair. Wash oily hair once a day by leaving the shampoo on your scalp for 5 minutes and rinsing to remove oily deposits. Instead of using a shampoo designed for your pre-pregnancy hair, switch to one designed for oily hair. Use conditioner only on the ends to avoid over-conditioning and weighing hair down.

Ask your stylist about a new hairstyle that's better suited to the condition and texture of your pregnancy hair. Layered hairstyles can add volume to flat, greasy hair. When you don't have time for a shower, dry shampoo or a little baby powder on your roots can absorb excess oil.


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