Since established, YOGI Cosmetics aims to provide outstanding and impressive solutions for our customers. We have established our own R&D center for product design and product development. We strictly follow the standard quality control processes to ensure our products meet or exceed our customers' expectations. In addition, we provide after-sales services for customers throughout the whole world. Customers who want to know more about our new product hair bleaching cream or our company, just contact us.
Waxing is one of the most common ways of hair removal. It is not only common but traditional, this method of hair removal has been in use since ages. Use of wax strips is the most convenient way to wax on the body. Companies have now designed ready to use wax strips that have a layer of semi-solid wax on a piece of paper, the paper is applied to the skin, rubbed and when snatched out removes hair with it. Wax strips are bought based on the type of wax on them, and the body part needed to be waxed. There are two common types of wax strips; Pellon and Muslin. Pellon is the most commonly used material, but it's not very flexible. Muslin, on the other hand, is a woven fabric, a strong material which gets a little too strong to be applied in some sensitive areas. A lot of company are now designing wax strips to meet the demands of people with different skin types. YOGI Cosmetics has made it easier for you to reach the manufacturers of wax strips by just a few clicks. Visit
Massage gel just like massage cream and massage oil is a lubricant that is used to rub on a body to ease tightened muscles and relax the body. However, the functioning of massage gels is very different from that of massage oils, creams, and lotions. Massage gels are watery in a composition which makes the work quicker by creating more friction and heat. Unlike oils and creams, massage gels are also not greasy. They do not leave an oily feel to the skin and absorb right into it. Massage gels are also stain free. Since they lack lubricant, they do not moisturize the skin. Massage gels are designed to target a sore group of muscles tissues. They are not recommended to use for full body massage, but they are efficient in relaxing and loosening tensed muscles in a particular body part. Many well-known companies are producing a large number of massage gels in contrary to massage oils, creams or lotions. To order the best massage gel to fit your needs visit
Buyers who are looking for hand cream and lotion can get in touch with the suppliers and sellers from around the world who can offer them the best and top of the line quality of hand cream and lotion from around the world. YOGI Cosmetics is a perfect platform for the buyers and sellers around the world who are planning to sell or buy a specific product in the market. We aim to make things easier for the buyers and sellers in the market. YOGI Cosmetics is a perfect place where buyers can meet the sellers on click of a button. Find the manufacturers, suppliers, importers and dealers of hand cream and lotion from different cities and countries of the world.
Now buyers from around the world can look into the list of different manufacturers and suppliers of top quality hair removal cream from different cities and countries of the world. YOGI Cosmetics has a list of manufacturers and suppliers who offer different quality of hair removal cream to their customers from different parts of the world at various prices. Buyers can now compare the prices and quality that the manufacturer or seller of hair removal cream is offering them. www.YOGI Cosmetics is the name of a leading online trading platform where thousands of traders to accomplish their goals. We aim to get the buyers closer to sellers who offer the best and top of the line quality of hair removal cream. We have made things easy for the buyers and sellers to get in touch with each other on click of a button. Buy top of the line quality of hair removal cream from the manufacturers and suppliers from around the world.
听说大理石瓷砖就是近年来的“石尚”教主,得到了各阶层消费者的青睐,它真的有传说种的这么好吗?或许很多人也和我一样,对这个说法疑问有点大吧! 那天听到爸妈聊天说我们在老家新房子建好了,准备装修,然后在考虑着要用什么材料好呢?妈妈就提议:“要不用大理石瓷砖吧?好像现在挺流行这个的。可是不知道好不好呢?听说这个有辐射,对身体不好!” 然后我觉得这个我应该也了解一下吧,然后就去查阅了有关资料,发现原来大理石瓷砖的做法只是在普通瓷砖表面打印出大理石图案,然后再覆上一层釉料后烧制而成,不是真的是用天然大理石做的。 它的主要成分为多为花岗岩或大理石的碎石为填充物,用水泥、石膏和不饱和聚酯树脂为粘剂,经搅拌成型、研磨和抛光后制成,生产过程中会掺杂各种化学物质。所以会对人有一定的辐射。 听说大面积用大理石瓷砖装饰的房子信号还会比较弱,其实,与其选择会仿制的瓷砖,还不如选择环保无辐射的天然大理石装饰,它则既有浑然天成的气质又显得亮堂大气!居住起来可以非常舒适温馨,舒心也省心。 大理石具备了瓷砖没有的优势,既防潮又防晒,用于外墙装饰的时候经历暴风雨和烈日暴晒也不会又影响。它经久耐用的特性还可以打理起来轻松很多,70年的土地使用权到期以后,它的寿命也不会到期。查阅完了天然大理石还发现有一个很优质的大理石厂家—佛山MoCo Marble Tiles发展有限公司,它那里的大理石花纹美观独特,纹理清晰,品种还很丰富!相信它12座矿山的实力能随便满足我的需求哦!
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Bio Reach Keratin Daily Condioner/250ml/450ml
Delivering superior conditioning and prismatic shine to the hair after U keratin treatment, specially formulated with moisture replenishing system to infuse rich nutrition to every hair shaft, making hair healthy and shiny. It will maintain the effect of treatment into maximum.
Apply the daily conditioner on the and massage gently into the hair. Rinse thoroughly.
Bleaching cream with PLEX Technology formulated to achieve progressive lightening up to 7 tones in complete respect of the hair
fiber. It can be used for all bleaching techniques and on all types of hair, even treated and sensitized, because it keeps the
structure perfectly intact and compact.
Ultra-delicate and nourishing formula based on natural waxes that protect scalp and hair during application and rich in Argan oil
and Açai oil that give the hair moisture and shine. Free of ammonia fumes and dusts, it offers a safe and pleasant service
Professional base colour receding lightness, professional control of brightness, one step colour mixing, high penetration and slow fallout.The base material and fragrance are imported from Japan, and the technology of Japan Color Research Institute is adopted. New breakthrough in ammonia locking technology, high ammonia, low odor, strong penetration, sufficient colour, slow colour loss, dyeing and care in one, protect hair quality.
Yogi care bleach cream professional salon supplier. For lightening the natural and artificial colour of the hair, up to 7 degrees in one application and up to 910 degrees in two (depending on the hair type). Pleasantly scented, creamy, fine texture, easy to apply and easy to handle. Professional base colour receding professional control of brightness and colour mixing in one step High penetration and slow fall.